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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > Eternal R Pack (LIMITED EDITION 8) > Arcana Knight Joker

Arcana Knight Joker Used Deck

Arcana Knight Joker
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Fusion Monster
Effect Monster
- 9 Warrior 3800 2500
"Queen's Knight" + "Jack's Knight" + "King's Knight"
A Fusion Summon of this card can only be done with the above materials. Once per turn, when a Spell/Trap Card, or monster effect, is activated that targets this face-up card on the field (Quick Effect): You can discard the same type of card (Monster, Spell, or Trap); negate the effect.
Average Rating Score 4.9(17)
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  3. Decks with Arcana Knight Joker (52 Decks)
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"Arcana Knight Joker" card reviews and rating scores

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japan ねこーら
2022/01/25 21:55
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: It will be used for RBI.
The three musketeers on the face cards are designated as fusion materials, but you can use "Joker's Knight" to obtain their names and "Joker's Straight" to help you align the three.
With "Face Card Fusion", he can use one card from his deck as a fusion material, so all he has to do is prepare two fusion materials.
As for the hand cost, it's easy to prepare because there are cards that can be returned to the hand, such as 《Joker's Wild》for Trap and 《Joker's Straight》for Spell.
However, there is a high possibility that it will be dealt with a card that doesn't target, and the effect itself is more useful than his other LIGHT and Warrior, so is it mainly aimed at ATK?
De-Fusion》can be used to separate the three musketeers.
japan みめっと
2021/09/23 9:57
Yugioh Icon
In the original, the three musketeers on the face cards, who had no role other than sacrifice to God, were given a new name in Yu-Gi-Oh!
The raw RBI is quite high at 3800, but the effect is only a resistance effect that discards the same type of card as the card effect that targets itself and negates that effect.
It can only be used once per turn, it can't be destroyed just by negate it, and of course it doesn't react to effects that don't target itself, so it's hard to say that it's worth the effort except for hitting points. I feel
Since Queen is the name of the fusion material, it might be possible to put Queen in EX as a means of bringing Queen into play without using the summoning right with Fusion Deployment.
japan アルバ
2020/06/27 0:59
Yugioh Icon
The three magnets were still Effect Monsters when they were stuck together, but this one is a fusion.
It has a high hit point of 3800 and also has a target resistance that negates the effect if it is taken by a target.
However, the effect requires a hand cost, and it is necessary to match the type of the card.
It's hard to say that the fusion material is light, so as already said, it's honestly a tough card if it's not a dedicated fusion.
That said, since it's a card used by Yugi Mutou, it's possible that it could be strengthened by some whim...
japan シエスタ
2020/03/27 9:51
Yugioh Icon
A fusion of the three musketeers of the face cards that appeared in R.
Requires 3 types of specified monsters, but the three musketeers have the effect of aligning themselves, and the support is abundant, so summoning is not a difficult story.
His high ATK can negate the effect of targeting the hand as a cost.
However, it has a strong peculiarity in that you have to discard the same kind of card to negate.
This point is also easier to handle than before due to the fact that the three musketeers-related cards on the face cards possess many salvage effects.
Even so, due to the weight of the materials mentioned above and the increase in cards that don't target, it's hard to say that it can be used consistently, and I think it's going to be a difficult category to handle.
It doesn't seem worth it if he doesn't come out with his exclusive GY fusion that can be put out from one piece.
japan ミシガン州知事
2016/06/20 12:54
Yugioh Icon
A fusion of the three musketeers from the picture cards.
ATK 3800 and high.
It's only once per turn, but it means that he has a pseudo resistance to his spell, trap, and monster effects that he targets.
but if it's a spell card, he'll use a spell card
If it's a trap card, use a trap card
Monster for monster effect
Note that you cannot stop it unless you discard it from your hand.
japan ハセ
2016/02/17 17:58
Yugioh Icon
ATK 3800 is enough, but the hand cost is specified, only effects that target, 1 turn limit and resistance are not so reliable
I've built a dedicated Deck before, but it's pretty weak...
japan ヒコモン
2015/08/01 10:26
Yugioh Icon
Thanks to 《Fusion Conscription》, 《Fusion Reserve》and Anticipation GUY, it is now much easier to gather materials than before. Still, there are a lot of necessary parts, and it consumes a lot of cards, but the effect is strong. The problem is that it requires a hand cost to activate its effect, and the existence of the large monster's natural enemy, Lightning. Since the cost is necessary, I wanted the turn 1 restriction to be removed.
japan hio
2015/04/29 0:31
Yugioh Icon
It has good target resistance to 3800 RBI, but first of all, normal fusion is difficult.
Even if you somehow succeed in summoning, each type of card requires a different cost, so even if you want to negate, you often can't because you don't have that type of card in your hand.
However, thanks to the expected GUY and 《Fusion Reserve》, it is easier to put out than before.
The performance itself is by no means bad, so if you're looking for fan elements and romance.
japan ぽいずん
2014/08/28 17:47
Yugioh Icon
ATK 3800 is strong. It's strong, but it's difficult to handle because each target negate requires a different card, and if you try to fuse normally, the Jax card in your hand will rot. This deck seems to be for advanced players.
japan 子猫鈴麗
2013/05/14 2:17
Yugioh Icon
Normal fusion is a little difficult, but if you also use cursed light, you will have more chances to summon. It's not bad that it has a high RBI of 3800 and has some resistance to target effects.
Dedicated Decks can be good enough finishers.
japan サンダー・ボルト
2013/05/12 12:17
Yugioh Icon
ATK 3800 is quite good, and due to the nature of the three musketeers on the face card, fusion summoning is relatively easy, so it is a relatively easy-to-use Fusion Monster. Although it has resistance, it is a little difficult to handle because it requires a fairly strict cost.
japan ファナナス
2013/02/05 5:53
Yugioh Icon
The trump card of the three musketeers of the picture card. It has a high RBI of 3800 and is resistant to limited but targeted card effects. At first glance, the effect seems to be strong, but there are many effects that do not target. It is excellent in that it can block 《Compulsory Evacuation Device》, which has weak resistance like this, but it can only be activated once per turn, and it requires a corresponding hand cost, so it is quite difficult to maintain. Monsters aside, Spells and Traps are all over the place, so it's all the more so. Considering the powerlessness of the material, it would have been nice to have no turn limit
japan みかんゼリー
2012/10/25 16:56
Yugioh Icon
The three knights of the king's picture card.
Since the effect only corresponds to the target effect and is visible, unfortunately it is not very reliable.
However, the high RBI of 3800 is excellent, and although it is a romantic card, I think it would be cool if it could be done well.
japan ドラゴンX
2012/06/24 17:20
Yugioh Icon
Cards for battle.
japan スクラップトリトドン
2010/11/07 20:20
Yugioh Icon
Normally, I think it's okay to be able to stop a target effect with just one card...
However, a 3800 large monster that you don't want to target is fine.
The three knights on the face cards themselves aren't as good as Gadget, but it's relatively easy to get all three of them, so it's worth trying.
japan とき
2010/08/27 19:01
Yugioh Icon
When three face cards fuse together, it becomes a joker.
The cost is not stable, it is useless against cards that do not target, and the negate effect is surprisingly not useful.
Rather, the high RBI of 3800 is the true value. If you use the three knights of the face card, you'll want to put it out at least once.
Materials are relatively easy to arrange, but it is a pity that there is no exclusive fusion.
japan asd
2024/06/28 8:13
Yugioh Icon

Decks with "Arcana Knight Joker"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
DUEL TERMINAL - The March of the Genex! - DT07-JP037 2009-10-01 Rare
Eternal R Pack (LIMITED EDITION 8) LE8-JP001 2005-08-01 Ultra
The Duelist's Glory -Fragments of Memory- side: Yami Yugi 15AX-JPY39 2015-01-10 Secret
Structure Deck - Yugi Muto SDMY-JP042 2016-06-18 N-Parallel
WORLD PREMIERE PACK 2021 WPP2-JP012 2021-09-25 Secret

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 8,883 / 12,891 Cards
View Num 60,102


Japanese card name アルカナ ナイトジョーカー

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